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Women in Manufacturing Opt for

By Rose Somma Tennent

Women are thriving in the Trump economy, and female entrepreneurs don’t put much credence in the deceptive liberal narrative about this President. Polls from late August suggest that President Trump is struggling to hold on to the support he once had with women. Supposedly the women he counted on in 2016 cannot be depended upon to support him again in 2020. Past experience dictates that polls are not reliable, particularly when applied to President Trump’s supporters. Conservative women cannot be stereotyped; they are stay-at-home moms, CEOs and owners of large corporations or both. For them, there is no call to comply with a pre-determined lifestyle. Republican women have the support of other women in their party, regardless of the choices they make.

President Trump has delivered real results for women; in his first year of office, the number of women in poverty fell by nearly 600,000. Since then, his pro-growth economic policies have improved the lives of millions of women since he took office; and the economy has created nearly 6 million new jobs, more than 3 million of which have been filled by women. Additionally, the national female unemployment rate remained close to its all-time low for many months. Female unemployment has not been this low since the days of Rosie the Riveter.

Like 2016, once again, the poll numbers are deceptive. There is a huge but silent support base for President Trump. The women highlighted in this article, however, are not silent. They and their businesses have benefitted from the Trump Administration’s policies and the President’s commitment to jobs. They recognize that President Trump is fighting for the American worker and American companies. Businesses have waited a long time for an Administration that puts them first. American workers understand that Trump is fighting for their best interests and what will benefit them long term. When President Trump looks to make deals, he does so with our country’s best interests in mind and with the skills of a businessman for whom deals have consequences, as opposed to a politician who depends on the voter forgetting by the next election day that his deals didn’t pan out. [more…] is inviting conscious consumers from across the nation to join the largest-ever exposition in Indianapolis. This celebratory event is solely focusing on U.S. manufacturing and products made in the U.S.A.

BIO: Rose Tennent has a long track record of being Pro-American, and is a great champion for American business, and Made in America 2019. Rose has been a prominent figure for twenty years as a syndicated conservative political talk show host. She is a frequent guest host for Sean Hannity’s radio show and has been a regular guest on FOX NEWS. Rose is the author of “Thanking Our Soldiers.”