The Federal government seems to care little about the rule of law under the United States Constitution.
A recent bill drafted and sponsored by Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Carl Levin (D-MA) has expanded the “war on terror” to America’s own backyard and authorized the military to make war targets out of United States citizens, without regard to due process protections in the United States Constitution.
The Senate actually passed this bill. Americans are more at risk than ever of arbitrary and uncontrolled executive power against Americans. Author/speaker Rob Roselli, is available to be your Talk Show guest on this troubling topic.
Are you a homeschooler? Are you a ‘controversial’ (a.k.a. conservative) talk show host? Are you pro-gun? Be afraid. Be very afraid. Or here’s a better idea: Have faith in God and not government.
Rob also comments on the new mini-documentary, “The Day Habeas Corpus Died,” for which he was a research consultant.
Watch the eye-opening video:
Bachelors of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee and in 1997 a Masters Degree in Civil Engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ. A licensed professional engineer in three states, New Jersey, New York and Connecticut currently working in southern New York state and residing with my wife in Bergen County, New Jersey.
Raised Roman Catholic and practiced on and off with regularity until college. Introduction into Biblical Christianity dates back to the early nineties but never took the “conspiratorial view” of history seriously enough until the last few years as events are seemingly leading us to the Lord’s return to “Mother Earth”, a descent “To the Mouth of Madness”, or both. Self taught and, quite often, many of his sources came about as a result of the bibliographies and footnotes of earlier sources. The sources of Rob’s acquired knowledge run the gamut from many famous “conspiracy theorists” to the most ardent “New” Agers to the Dalai Lama himself to “Ascended Masters” Djwhal Khul and The Count of Saint Germain. “The THEorYofLIVEvolution” is my first book.
Date Recorded: 02/07/2012
Podcast of the interview Download: