WHO WILL BE KING OF THE MOUNTAIN? Boys Play the Game; Despots finish it.



WHO WILL BE KING OF THE MOUNTAIN? Boys Play the Game; Despots finish it.

BOUT DR. CRISMIER… Charles Crismier is a veteran attorney, author, and pastor, and President of Save America Ministries. With amazing ability to probe below the surface, Dr. Crismier deals with issues that few dare to touch – matters of the heart that reach into our homes from the Church House to the White House. He’s a powerful and authoritative speaker with dialogue that demands sobriety and decision. ATTORNEY 18 years in private civil practice (1975-1994) • EDUCATOR 9 years as public school teacher (1967-1975) • PASTOR 22 years as a pastor (1987-present) • AUTHOR PRESERVE US A NATION (Out of Print) RENEWING THE SOUL OF AMERICA (Rebuilding the Moral Character and Spiritual Vision of America), 2002: Elijah Books THE POWER OF HOSPITALITY (An Open Heart, Open Hand and Open Home Will Change Your World), 2005: Elijah Books OUT OF EGYPT (Restoring end-time trust for end-time trials), 2006; Elijah Books SEDUCTION OF THE SAINTS (Living Pure in a World of Deception), 2009; Elijah Books THE SECRET OF THE LORD (The Hidden Truth That Defines Your Destiny), 2011; Elijah Books KING OF THE MOUNTAIN, 2013; Elijah Books • FOUNDER SAVE AMERICA Ministries, 1993. Recipient of Valley Forge Freedom Foundation Award for significant contribution to the cause of Faith and Freedom • TALK SHOW HOST VIEWPOINT – “Confronting the Issues of America’s Heart and Home”. (1995-Present) THE RICHMOND CONNECTION – “Connecting our hearts to God’s heart for Richmond renewal and National revival.” (2003 – Present)
Date Recorded: 8/29/2013
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