David Mica, Florida: Executive Director of the Florida Petroleum Council



By: Jack Gerard


With zero precincts reporting, we can confidently project American energy is a landslide winner in the 2014 midterm elections.

In many races, both Republican and Democratic candidates have gone out of their way this year to embrace pro-energy policies – to the point that it’s been almost impossible to tell who’s wearing red or blue on the campaign trail.

Large majorities of American voters increasingly recognize the role of smart energy policy in addressing their most pressing concerns. Recent polling shows that 90 percent agree that increased production of domestic oil and natural gas resources could lead to more U.S. jobs, while 79 percent say domestic energy could help lower energy costs for consumers. Poll after poll demonstrates strong support for the Keystone XL pipeline – strong enough to influence choices in the ballot booth; 68 percent of respondents in an April survey from Harris Poll said they would be more likely to support a candidate who supports approving Keystone XL, including 60 percent of Democrats.