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‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration…


GENDER STUDIES CULTURAL ANALYST: Dr. Paul Nathanson is a gender relations academic professor, who has defined the field of misandry in our culture. He is author of (1) Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture (2) Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination against Men (3) Replacing Misandry: A Revolutionary History of Men (4) Sanctifying Misandry: Goddess Ideology and the Fall of Man.

“Americans who recognize the central role played by biology in shaping human needs and desires are applauding a report by the New York Times that the administration will roll back President Barack Obama’s establishment of the transgender ideology.

“It is high time that governmental agencies at the national and local levels return to valid science which reveals that there are two biologic sexes, and only two: male and female,” said Dr. Quentin Van Meter, president of the American College of Pediatricians.

Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is leading the effort to “establish a legal definition of sex under Title IX, the federal civil rights law that bans gender discrimination in education programs that receive government financial assistance,” according to the Times’ report. The new definition would ensure that people’s recorded sex matches their actual biology.

But the transgender ideology demands that the federal government enforce rules which help people easily switch their legal sex, regardless of biology. This ideology would eliminate many single-sex institutions, including sports leagues, showers, and bathrooms,

A statement sent to Breitbart News from HHS’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) said the office does not comment on “alleged leaked documents.”

READ MORE: www.nytimes.com/2018/10/21/us/politics/transgender-trump-administration-sex-definition.html

READ: www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/10/22/advocates-of-male-and-female-biological-id-cheer-proposed-end-of-obamas-transgender-ideology/

READ: www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2018/10/22/hollywood-unhinged-over-report-trump-admin-may-eliminate-gender-ideology/

ABOUT: Perhaps it was inevitable that equal time should have been granted to those who claim that modern popular culture is biased against men. Nathanson and Young (religious studies, McGill Univ.) use an extensive appendix of antimale bias in film, television, and even greeting cards to show that in the past ten years, the pendulum has swung too far.

During the last 2 decades journalists and ideologues exploited media events in ways that created a worldview based on gynocentrism and misandry. In that atmosphere, courts and legislatures established systemic discrimination against men. This not only institutionalized misandry, but also undermined the moral and democratic foundations of society.

In the first three volumes of this series, Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young challenge theories about patriarchy that ideological forms of feminism have promoted. In this volume, they argue that we must replace those misandric theories with one that takes seriously the needs and problems of boys and men no less than those of girls and women; at the same time, they add, we must maintain the reforms that egalitarian forms of feminism have promoted.

With both factors in mind, they trace the history of men – that is, culturally organized perceptions of the male body and its masculine functions – over the past ten thousand years. They show how these perceptions have evolved in connection with a series of technological and cultural revolutions: horticultural, agricultural, industrial, military, and now reproductive. This new approach sets the stage for understanding a profound and growing problem that our society must face: the increasing inability of boys and men to create or sustain a healthy collective identity.

The authors define this as an identity that is distinctive, necessary, and therefore publicly valued. Without a healthy and positive identity, two current trends will continue: giving up (dropping out of school, society, or even life itself) and attacking a society that has no room for men specifically as men, believing that even a negative identity, acted out in antisocial ways, is better than none at all.

PLUG BOOK: www.amazon.com/Spreading-Misandry-Teaching-Contempt-Popular/dp/0773530991/ref=pd_sim_14_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=YQVNRVTFHPEYWNVD3JP2

PLUG BOOK: www.amazon.com/Legalizing-Misandry-Systemic-Discrimination-against/dp/0773528628/ref=pd_sim_14_2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=31ZDHD8QRR830DH2VHDC

PLUG BOOK: www.amazon.com/Replacing-Misandry-Revolutionary-History-Men/dp/0773545530/ref=pd_sim_14_6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=G4NP78P0R7JVXZ9XC5GG

PLUG BOOK: www.amazon.com/Sanctifying-Misandry-Goddess-Ideology-Fall/dp/0773538739/ref=pd_sim_14_4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=BQH6P902K3XA8JME0XFV

WATCH: www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQRV3C9GNaw