Mariah Christie


Herewith enclosed pls find the single Peace and Love available on itunes, amazon…..written by me and the great pianist Vincenzo Murè.
I wrote the song after a difficult period because of health problems.
This song wants to be a message of Peace and Love for people women children who are suffering because of war, violence, health problems, who are in difficult situations.
There is peace where love lives.
For more information about me (Biography, photos….) or MARIAH CHRISTIE facebook too.
You can watch the video of the single on Mariah Christie Official Youtube Channel where a black angel lost his way but
he found again the way of peace and love to be again a white angel bringing love, peace, hope and light.
Live performance September 2014 Mandir della Pace Assisi – September 2015 Talent Show organized by Proloco Casalgrande in collaboration with Radio Bruno.
I would be very glad if you will broadcast my song.
Don’t hesitate in contacting me for every question