Democratic Primary Continues in Six States:
Spreading of COVID-19 Affects Voting
Do Democrats Want to Shut Down Trump Rallies?
Guest Available for Response:
As the Battle of Socialism Vs Capitalism Continues
My Big Mouth and The Ugly Truth: Taking the Stress out of
Opinions VS Facts
Gary S. Goldman
NATIONAL POLITICAL ANALYST: Gary S. Goldman is the nationally recognized host of “Business, Politics, & Lifestyles” a weekly talk show airing on WCRN 830 in Metro Boston MA and author of My Big Mouth and The Ugly Truth: Taking the Stress out of Opinions VS Facts.
“Democratic California Rep. Jackie Speier said Sunday that President Donald Trump is incapable of ‘telling us the truth about the coronavirus’ and that he is carelessly putting his supporters in harm’s way at Trump rallies.”
“The congresswoman suggested that Trump was carelessly exposing his supporters to the disease at rallies.’ The fact that he is not willing to cancel his various rallies suggest that he is willing to place even his most ardent supporters at risk.'” – Daily Caller
My Big Mouth and The Ugly Truth: Taking the Stress out of Opinions VS Facts is a collection of compelling and stimulating interviews conducted over the course of 2019 by national commentary talent Gary S Goldman. Gary shares his perspective on world issues of national and international importance and then gets the candid thoughts and feedback from guests like Judge Jeanine Pirro and Anthony Scaramucci. The book highlights interviews from several authors and is a refreshing fast read.
BIO: Gary is a conservative, who champions small government, free-market capitalism, and the importance of maintaining the USA’s role a strong well-respected leader throughout the world. His show deals with cutting-edge, political, social, foreign policy and business issues with a wide range of topics, guests, and points of view. Gary believes that personal responsibility, accountability, a strong family structure, quality education, and hard work are the keys to success for all Americans. Gary’s goal is to show how political correctness, victimization, and many of the progressive liberal policies have duped the American people, especially minorities and women, into false hopes and promises. Gary has been involved in the construction industry for over 25 years. He has a wide array of experience as the owner of multimillion-dollar landscape, irrigation, snow removal, and pavement maintenance companies.