Mitch Carson: The Instant Celebrity Maker, Experienced Speaker and Seminar Promoter and Author of ‘The Silent Salesmen’


Mitch Carson

Running your own business is a lot of hard work and can be stressful at times.
That can lead to your lack of interest in the business and eventually a failed one. Nobody likes being a failure, so how can you prevent it?
Public speaker and successful business owner, Mitch Carson speaks on how you can maintain your own business and how to make it more successful than ever.

Meet Mitch Carson:
▪▪ The Instant Celebrity Maker
▪▪ Experienced Speaker and Seminar Promoter
▪▪ Author of ‘The Silent Salesman.’
▪▪ Columnist for The Glazer-Kennedy newsletter for three years
▪▪ Radio Show Host in Los Angeles
▪▪ Featured in over 200 newspapers world wide

Date Recorded: 3/6/2014

SITE: Site

Podcast of the interview Download:


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