About Erika Furuzono
Erika Furuzono was born and raised in Japan where people believe in harmony with nature and
all living creatures. Growing up, She walked in the emperor’s palace garden in Kyoto daily with
her grandmother which helped form my dream and passion. Since she was a little girl, she
always wanted to create something to make people happy and entertain!
As an adult, she continued to follow her passion and made a movie or two in Hollywood with
zero interest in spirituality. A total believer of “work hard” “Do stuff and make it happen!” But
fate intervened. a good friend of Erika asked her to do a manifestation program with him. She
did it to further accomplish her dream but instead of manifesting her dream, this manifestation
program actually leads her to her awakening.
Without any conscious effort, she found myself falling into the role of an empath and
clairaudient and became a Matrix Energetics practitioner and received my certification from the
founder, Dr. Richard Bartlett. Then she started to re-gain her galactic histories as a Starseed.
Shortly after that, she has developed her original Rapid Love Quantum Transformation
Now that we have our polite introductions and formalities out of the way, we will work in gentle
harmony to co-create a wonderful love life by using her unique original modality “Rapid Love
Quantum Transformation.”
She helps people to break through doubt, pain, and fear in romantic relationships to get clarity,
true love, and happy life. She helped her clients get out of repeating cycles, stuck in challenging
romantic relationships to find their true soul desire and path. Her transformation methods assist
people to connect with their divine essence and allow them to go deep into their subconscious
mind to get solutions to solve their problems.