Sheriff Richard Mack (Ret): Sheriffs are standing all across America for Liberty and against the quarantine of our Constitution!


Who is Sheriff Richard Mack?

Sheriff Richard Mack (RET)Champion of Constitutional Values
Founder, Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officer Association (CSPOA)
Sheriff (RET), Author. Teacher. Constitutional Leader. National Leadership.

Founder, CSPOA
Led a Supreme Court victory for state sovereignty
Author of several books on freedom, government and gun control
Consultant on Constitutional Issues
Former Graham County (AZ) Sheriff
Public speaker
Trainer in constitutional issues for law enforcement
Sheriff Mack has been in law enforcement all his life. You could even say he was born into it as the son of an FBI agent. He began his career after graduating BYU in 1978, became a police officer in Provo, Utah, where eventually becoming a detective. After a colorful decade in Utah, he moved back to his home state of Arizona to run for Graham County Sheriff, where he was elected in 1988.

During his tenure as Sheriff, President Bill Clinton signed into law the Brady Bill, the gun control scheme which requires local background checks before purchasing a firearm. He challenged the bill, and took to the Supreme Court, arguing that the Federal Government had no authority over local government under the 10th Amendment. He ended up being the first sheriff in history to sue the federal government and win–under the Clinton Administration, no less!

Since the ruling, Mack has dedicated much of his life to conservative activism, especially for gun rights. He’s a faithful, longtime member and leader of the NRA, founded the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers (CSPOA), and fought for civil rights across the nation.

Founder of the Arm the teachers movement, the most important endeavor he’s ever fought for. As it stands, teachers are forbidden from carrying a gun on school premises, which makes it nearly impossible for them to defend themselves or their students in the face of danger. By the time it takes the police to arrive on the scene, dozens of children could already be dead or seriously wounded. When seconds count, help is only minutes way. Affording teachers the opportunity to concealed carry in school would not only protect the children and staff inside, but also make it less likely that the school would be targeted in the first place. Giving them an actual fighting chance is better than cowering helplessly in the corner.