Bestselling Children’s Psychologist Dr. Vanessa Lapointe

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Dr. Vanessa Lapointe, R. Psych is available for interview. She is author of the new book PARENTING RIGHT FROM THE START: Laying a Healthy Foundation in the Baby and Toddler Years.
For more information about Dr. Vanessa Lapointe, please visit

Listen to the Interview via Talkshoe
Bestselling Children’s Psychologist Tells Parents How to Develop a Mindful and Conscious Parenting Style to Raise Children Right From the Very Beginning

In an interview, drawing on the latest clinical research and decades of experience to help parents “get it right,” Dr. Lapointe will:

• Dispel common generational myths and confusion around parenting practices: Every generation has different advice about what children need to thrive and grow up happy and well-adjusted―and this advice often conflicts.

• Highlight that the key to healthy development is time not competition: No matter how many methods or techniques parents learn, the most overlooked and important part of raising a child is often time. Lapointe shares effective strategies to avoid the traps of impatience and results-oriented thinking, helping children blossom at their own pace, which may be markedly different from your friends’ children or your favorite mommy influencer.

• Grow YOU so you can grow THEM: Child development isn’t just about the child. Parents grow, too. Lapointe offers a unique, well-rounded examination of the ways parents can build the best support systems for their children by looking inward, examining their own biases and influences and correcting their own problematic behavior before it causes lasting damage to a child’s psyche.

*Halting damaging psychological and developmental parental behaviors such as hovering, helicopter, lawn mower or the overbearing parent: You all watch those videos on Youtube or hear other parents talk about ways to protect their children from unforeseen situations that are part of the normal journey of growth. Lapointe discusses the WHY’s behind these damaging parental behaviors and how parents can recognize the opportunity to elevate your children’s growth by restraining themselves.

* Parenting in the digital age: Are you emotionally unavailable? From the moment your little one was born, has your phone become permanently imbedded in your hand as you capture every moment and sharing it on social media or text to everyone you know? Do you feed your child with one hand and text your girlfriend with the other or are you mindlessly caring for your child without actually gazing into their eyes and engaging with your little one? Dr. Lapointe discusses the neuroscience behind attachment-centered parenting for child brain development to help your children thrive.

* Recovering from toxic family history and the journey to becoming a nurturing parent: Does your own childhood make you wince and wonder how you could give your own child a better experience? Your toxic family history has a great impact on your self-esteem as a parent, but it doesn’t have to keep you imprisoned as a victim. You can transform this into an incredible growth opportunity and in the process become the best parent you can be.


Every new parent will tell you that even though they read all the parenting guides and speak with their doctor, they still worry and fear their choices as new parents. In addition, many new parents struggle with their own self needs while trying to raise thriving children. How can new parents continue to grow in their own emotional development while nurturing their children without fear in their parenting journey? Parents need to develop their SWAGGER!

In her follow-up to the bestselling book Discipline Without Damage, child psychologist Dr. Vanessa Lapointe R. Psych advises new parents on how to put their child on a path to optimal emotional and bonding development during the crucial early years. Parents naturally want to do what’s best for their kids, but they often struggle to know what that is, especially when dealing with the big “battlegrounds” of sleep, feeding, and managing aggression. Becoming a parent can also present a huge personal-growth opportunity for parents as they find themselves plunged back into their own childhoods, which can bring up challenging feelings, attitudes, and behaviors.

The latest scientific research indicates that it is through a strong experience of connection to their parents that children learn how to regulate their emotions, master social skills, and develop a sense of identity. Unfortunately, many currently accepted parenting practices and traditional attitudes disrupt a healthy connection rather than foster it, leading to problems that can last into adulthood. In Parenting Right From the Start: Laying a Healthy Foundation in the Baby and Toddler Years, Dr. Lapointe helps parents understand how mindful and conscious parenting with a focus on the science of child development can help them avoid passing unhealthy patterns down from one generation to the next. Rooted in compassion and understanding, Dr. Lapointe shows parents how to build their swagger — a firm, caring presence — in the early years that a child can lean into for a lifetime.

Divided into two parts, Parenting Right From the Start sets parents up for success by starting with the science of development and Lapointe’s acclaimed principles for effective parenting. In the book, Dr. Lapointe provides real world examples that parents will face with their babies and toddlers, from sleep battles to toilet training and how to deal with tantrums, aggression, sibling rivalry, and transitions to new caregivers.


DR. VANESSA LAPOINTE R. Psych is an author, parenting expert, and registered psychologist who has been supporting families and children for more than fifteen years. The bestselling author of Discipline Without Damage: How to Get Your Kids to Behave Without Messing Them Up and Parenting Right From The Start: Laying a Healthy Foundation in the Baby and Toddler Years, Lapointe is also a regularly invited media guest and contributor, educator and speaker and consultant to research projects and organizations promoting emotional health and development. She has appeared on PBS, Breakfast Television, CTV News, CBC News, and has been interviewed by Today’s Parent, The Globe & Mail, and many other outlets. Dr. Vanessa Lapointe is known for bringing a sense of nurturing understanding and humanity to all of her work. She presently works in private practice and has previous experience in a variety of settings, including the British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development and school systems.

For more information about Dr. Vanessa Lapointe, please visit for videos, articles, advice and parenting workshops.

“Authentic, practical, and important, Parenting Right From the Start guides parents to explore how our

patterns can hinder or support our path to becoming the parents we want to be. Dr. Vanessa’s message

that our ongoing development is intricately linked to who our children become paves the way for

parenting that is connected, rewarding, and meaningful.”

—Tina Payne Bryson, PhD, bestselling coauthor of The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline