Kelly 9/12/2016


Book Info: I have attached the cover so you can view it.

Living with Fibromyalgia and chronic pain is a daily battle. Such a diagnosis changes the way you must live your life, but it does not mean your life is over. Written from my viewpoint as a registered nurse and fibro sufferer my book explains how this invisible illness is misunderstood and how devastating it can be to people’s lives. This book will empower the fibro patient with proof that fibro is real, provide a tool-box of coping mechanisms, provides communication and documentation tools, advises how the power of positive and negative thinking significantly impacts your physical health because there is a strong mind-body connection. I also offer information as to the traditional and holistic methods to treat your chronic pain. I also offer advice of how to apply for and follow through with social security disability as well as the latest and greatest research and findings in the fibro medical world.


I have been a registered nurse for 22 years. I graduated from the University of Michigan with my Bachelors in nursing and from Walden University with my Masters in Nursing with Specialization in Education. I have had the honor of speaking at and educate other about teaching strategies at several state nursing conferences as well as share my fibromyalgia journey at a Licensed Practical Nursing state conference

My nursing experience includes medical surgical nursing, case management/discharge planning, and I have also worked as a cardiac intensive care unit nurse. After many years of hospital nursing I became the lead nursing instructor for the Licensed Practical Nursing program at a community college, educating both in the classroom and a clinical setting. Then I was struck by a life threatening allergic response. My health plummeted and I lost my career as a result of multiple health conditions including fibromyalgia.

Having a chronic illness and chronic pain can be devastating to the patient and all involved in their life. I have shared strategies for communication with family, friends, and doctors, multiple ways for fibro sufferers to cope as well as help themselves, written tools to keep track of your illness and help when speaking with healthcare professionals, solid proof that this illness is NOT all in your head and you are not crazy, resources for disability and fibromyalgia and chronic pain and illness websites, and much much more.

My goal is to educate, empower, and legitimize fibromyalgia as a diagnosis. My mission: to educate anyone and everyone I can. Additionally, I share my journey with a functional medicine doctor, Dr Murphree, who is helping me convert to natural supplements for treatments. We both want to proclaim that you do not have to accept the statement “You will just have to learn to live with this.”

Lastly, I reside in the state of Michigan with my husband David, and a total of his, hers, and our 4 children.